NEW SERVICE TIMES Starting September 15th join us Sundays at 9am & 11am


A place to know and be known

What are Life Groups?

At Johnston Heights Church we believe discipleship and community happens best in small groups which is why, throughout the week, we meet in what we call Life Groups. Life Groups are a place where each person who attends Johnston Heights Church has the opportunity to know and be known by others in close community.

For each group the meeting time, place, and size will look different. For some, this will mean gathering together on a Wednesday mornings, other groups may decide to meet on the weekends or a weekday evenings. Some groups meet in person and others meet digitally. However you meet, our goal is the same - to bring people together in community to grow as followers of Jesus and make to Him known in every community.

Fill out the form below to get connected with a Life Group today and come find a place to belong!

Meet our Church Life Groups Leader

Charles Labun has been a member and active participant of Johnston Heights Church for many years serving is various leadership roles. If you have further questions concerning Life Groups at Johnston Heights Church, please email Charles at