Volunteer Forms
Johnston Heights Church functions in large part because of the huge collective effort of over 200 volunteers and we'd love to have you join the team! Our hope at JHC is to have the right people serving in the right places for the right reasons. While our desire is for every person to be a devoted follower of Jesus, we also recognize that we are all on a journey. As such, depending on the responsibility-level for each role in the church, there is a process and a number of possible forms/steps required to complete before an applicant is permitted to serve. This process is not intended to make it difficult to serve but to ensure we are creating safe spaces and providing proper training when required.
Please check with the ministry leader overseeing the particular area you are interested to serve in to know what forms need to be filled out. Please also refer to the process below and contact us if you have any questions at office@hopetoyou.com or at 604-589-3733 (M-F 10 am-3 pm). Thank you for your desire to come alongside the people of Johnston Heights Church as we strive to make Jesus known in every community God places us!
Process to Becoming a Volunteer
Step 1 - Fill out the "Sign Up To Serve" form on the "Sign up to Serve" page here.
Step 2 - Talk with the ministry leader overseeing the area you are interested in serving in to see if it is a good fit and to know what forms are required.
Step 3 - Fill out any of the forms listed below that the ministry leader said are required.
Step 4 - The ministry leader overseeing the area you are interested in serving in will contact you about next steps.
*** If references are required, you can see what the reference form is here.