NEW SERVICE TIMES Starting September 15th join us Sundays at 9am & 11am

Women's Ministry

Providing opportunities for women to make connections and grow in their walk with Jesus.

Walks, Weights, and the Word

Hello ladies! We have started a bi-weekly evening walk & weights (with some-time in the Word) women's meet-up at the church, on Thursday nights from 6:30-8:30 pm. Looking forward to getting together and instilling and supporting healthy habits!

Wear white or bright colours, and bring a headlamp or flashlight so we are seen while we walk, we will walk regardless of rain so wear a rain jacket or carry an umbrella. BC rain is beautiful! Everyone should bring a yoga mat and if they have handweights, great... otherwise bring two cans of soup! They work just as well!

Please check the master calendar for upcoming dates.