NEW SERVICE TIMES Starting September 15th join us Sundays at 9am & 11am


Vacation Bible School Kids Camp registration is now open! Volunteer opportunities also available!

What: VBS is a week-long kids camp where kids get to learn about God

Who: VBS is for all kids ages 4 - grade 5 (as of September 2024)

Where: Johnston Heights Church

When: 9:00 am - 12:00 (noon), Monday - Friday, July 8-12

Cost: $40 per child

Registration deadline: June 17

Space is limited to 100 kids and fills up every year, so register soon!

To register click on the link below.

Volunteer Opportunities

If you are interested applying to become a volunteer and are 18 years or older, click the link below.

ENGAGE Youth Leadership Program!

Again this year, we are offering a leadership development opportunity for students grade 6-12 (as of September 2024). If you are interested in joining this fun and engaging leadership development team, click on the application link below.